


英语《Unit 5 What does he do?(Story Time)》教案

  I.Teaching aims

  Knowledge aims

  ◆Students can Review and reinforce the language they have learned by reading interesting story.,like“What about..?”“What do you want to be?”and understanding the meaning of“Lion Tamer, Bee Farmer, Game Tester…”

  Ability aim:

  ◆Students can express their career ideas with“I like. I don't like…I can.”

  ◆Students can understand the story by skimming, finding and inferring the reading skills Emotional aim:Students can establish their own future career ideas according to their own preferences and ability to initially, respect all kinds of jobs.

  Ⅱ. Teaching key and difficult points

  Students can make full use of target language that we learned today to can express their career ideas confidently.

  Ⅲ.Teaching methods: Multi-media Teaching Method, Task-based Teaching Approach

  IV.Teaching Procedures

  Step1 Warming-up

  greeting with students.

  Step 2 lead-in

  sing a song firstly, then invite students sing together with teacher, by the way, ask them about what the song talks to lead-in today's lesson“jobs”.

  Step 3 Pre-reading

  ◆play a fashcards about jobs, ask students tell what they see to review last class'words about job helping students recall words'pronunciation in this way.

  ◆play a game“I act you do”to lead students get familiar with these new words making a good foundation for reading.

  Step 4 While-reading

  ◆play the tape for first time and give students a task about the main idea to lead students listen and read thoroughly, and help students understand the words“usual”

  ◆Play the video to find and underline the unusual jobs.

  ◆play the tape for second time and let students read and listen carefully then answer some details:

  What does this beautiful woman do? She is a lion tamer.

  How's her job?

  How about the Bee farmer?

  ◆play the tape for last time and lead students imitate their pronunciation and intonation

  Step 5 Post-reading

  ◆Invite two students about their future jobs, at last, give all students 3minutes to discuss with their desk-mates to make a good preparation for situational conversation.

  Step 6 Summary and Homework

  ◆Summary:lead Students summarize together with teacher to consolidate what we've learned today.

  ◆Homework:Leave a small task of making survey about their friends'future idea, and make a report next class.

  V.Blackboard Design



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